
PRP Facials

PRP Facials

PRP Facials services offered in Glover Park, Washington, DC

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facials use components of your own blood to enhance facial appearance. These treatments are among the services available from family nurse practitioners Marissa Rehman, FNP-BC, and Annie Chan, FNP-BC, of Duo Wellness Rejuvenation in Washington, DC. The best way to learn more is by booking a consultation online or by phone. 

PRP Facials Q & A

Why is PRP such a popular treatment in medical aesthetics?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a solution made from a small sample of your blood. This blood goes into a device called a centrifuge, which spins it at a high rate of speed. The spinning causes the solid components of blood to separate from the liquid plasma. 

Your practitioner can then collect the platelets and add them back into the now-cleared plasma. Drawing the solution into syringes is the final preparation step. 

PRP boosts new cell development while also reducing inflammation in the treatment area. It’s long been used in joint health and as a treatment for hair restoration and is becoming a popular option in medical aesthetics. 

What are PRP facials, and what benefits do they deliver?

One way to incorporate PRP into facial tissues is by smoothing it on the face during microneedling treatments. The treatment needles push the PRP into the deeper layers of the skin, where it goes to work, enhancing the healing process. 

Another option is to use a needle and syringe to carefully inject PRP into areas of the face where new collagen development is desired. These injections take very little time. In fact, it usually takes longer to create the PRP than to administer it. 

The practitioners at Duo Wellness Rejuvenation have extensive experience with PRP facials. They understand facial anatomy and where PRP therapy is likely to create the best possible enhancements. 

Are PRP facials painful?

When your practitioner draws the blood needed to create your PRP, you might feel a pinch as the needle enters your skin. The process is similar to what happens when you have blood testing done. 

A special numbing cream can make treatments more comfortable. PRP injections are fast and easily tolerated. You may experience some minimal soreness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites, but these changes clear up quickly. 

PRP facials prompt your body to produce new collagen, which helps smooth and tighten your skin from within. When you’re ready to learn more, call or use the online scheduling system to book an appointment at your earliest convenience.